Rare bird submission

Please fill out the form below and submit to San Joaquin Bird Record Committee for review.  You are encouraged to submit photos, videos, audio recording, drawings and notes.

Ex: Tennessee Warbler
Ex: 1
Ex: 2 years or adult
Ex: Jun 02, 2022 1:30PM
Ex: 30 mins
Ex: Woodbridge Road
Ex: foo.bar@gmail.com
Enter submitter's mailing address
Ex: Rick M, Nancy P
(Ex: https://ebird.org/checklist/S111532296. If you don't have Ebird checklist, email photos, recordings to hummer59ffo@yahoo.com
Ex: Binocular, Camera, Scope
Ex: 20 feet
Ex: Raining, Clear Sky, Foggy
Enter as much detail as possible
Enter as much detail as possible