Field Checklist of the Birds of San Joaquin County

Compiled by David Yee Revised July 1997 by David Yee and Waldo Holt

This checklist contains 328 native and 5 introduced species. The names and taxonomic order conforms to  changes  made in the 41st  supplement to the A.O.U. Checklist of North American Birds, 6th edition. The following seasonal abundance categories reflect a species status at prime locations in the proper habitat only. Out of necessity they are somewhat arbitrary.
An effort to show true relative densities rather than detectability has been made. Abbreviations are as follows:

c  =  common,  almost always present, often in high numbers.
fc =  fairly common,  usually present, sometimes in considerable numbers.
u  = uncommon,  should be present but often hard to detect because numbers are few, occasionally found in considerable numbers.
r  = rare,  not normally present but occurs annually, usually in very small numbers. Also pertains to very localized breeders with small breeding populations.

(Above symbols all indicate species that are believed to be of annual occurrence.)

cas = casual,  four or more records for a given season but not recorded annually. Some species may be common in a given year.
acc = accidental,  three or less records in a given season.
h  = historical,  formerly recorded, now extirpated in San Joaquin County.
R  = resident, most species nest in area.
S  = summer resident,  usually includes periods of migration.
W  = winter visitor,  usually includes periods of migration.
M  = migrant,  includes both of the two following categories.
Sp = spring “migrant”, most northbound.
F  = fall “migrant”, most southbound.
*  = nests in county.
(*) = Formerly nested in county.
+  = suspected nester in county.
(species) = introduced species.

Red-throated Loon  rW

Pacific Loon  accFW

Common Loon  uW

Pied-billed Grebe  fcR *

Horned Grebe  uW

Red-necked Grebe  accFW

Eared Grebe  fcW,rS *

Western Grebe  cW,casS

Clark’s Grebe  cW,casS


Leach’s Storm-petrel  accF

American White Pelican  uW,rS

Brown Pelican  accF

Double-crested Cormorant  cW,rS

Fulvous Whistling-Duck  hM
Tundra Swan  cW
Whooper Swan  accW
Trumpeter Swan  casW
Greater White-fronted Goose  cW
Snow Goose  cW
Ross’ Goose  fcW,accS
Brant  accW
Canada Goose  cW,uS *
Wood Duck  uR *
Green-winged Teal fcW,casS *
Mallard  cR *
Northern Pintail  cW,casS *
Blue-winged Teal  rM,casW
Cinnamon Teal  cM,uW,rS *
Northern Shoveler  cW,rS +
Gadwall  uW,rS *
Eurasian Wigeon  rW
American Wigeon  fcW
Canvasback  cW,casS *
Redhead  rW,casS +
Ring-necked Duck   fcFW,uSp,casS
Tufted Duck  accW
Greater Scaup  rW
Lesser Scaup  cW,rS
Harlequin Duck  accW
Oldsquaw  accW
Surf Scoter  accFW
White-winged Scoter  accSpF
Common Goldeneye  uW,accS
Barrow’s Goldeneye  casW
Bufflehead  fcW,accS
Hooded Merganser  rW
Common Merganser  cW
Red-breasted Merganser  accWSp
Ruddy Duck  cW,uS *

Osprey  rR *
White-tailed Kite  fcR *
Bald Eagle  rW
Northern Harrier  fcW,uS *
Sharp-shinned Hawk  uW
Cooper’s Hawk  uW,rS *
Northern Goshawk  accW
Red-shouldered Hawk  fcR *
Broad-winged Hawk  accF
Swainson’s Hawk  fcS,rW *
Red-tailed Hawk  cw,fcS *
Ferruginous Hawk  uW
Rough-legged Hawk  fcW
Golden Eagle  uW,rS *

American Kestrel  cW,fcS *
Merlin  rW
Peregrine Falcon  rW,casS
Prairie Falcon  uW,rS *

Greater Yellowlegs  fcW
Lesser Yellowlegs  uM,rW
Spotted Redshank  accF
Solitary Sandpiper  casF
Willet  rF,casSp,accW
Wandering Tattler accF
Spotted Sandpiper  uM,rW
Whimbrel  fcSp,rF
Long-billed Curlew  uW
Marbled Godwit  rM,casW
Ruddy Turnstone  casM
Black Turnstone  accF
Red Knot  accSpF
Sanderling  rF,casSp,accW
Semipalmated Sandpiper rF,casSp
Western Sandpiper       cM,fcW,accS
Least Sandpiper  cW
White-rumped Sandpiper  accSp
Baird’s Sandpiper  rF,accSp
Pectoral Sandpiper  rF,accW
Dunlin  cW
Stilt Sandpiper  accSp,casF
Ruff  accWF
Short-billed Dowitcher  rM
Long-billed Dowitcher  cW
Common Snipe  fcW,rS +
Wilson’s Phalarope  fcM,accW
Red-necked Phalarope  fcM
Red Phalarope  casF,accSp

 (Rock Dove)  cR *
Band-tailed Pigeon  casWSp,accSF
Mourning Dove  cR *
Yellow-billed Cuckoo  accF,hS (*)
Greater Roadrunner  rR +

Barn Owl  cR *
Western Screech Owl  fcR *
Great Horned Owl  fcR *
Burrowing Owl  fcR *
Long-eared Owl  casW
Short-eared Owl  rW
Northern Saw-whet Owl  accW

Lesser Nighthawk  rS *
Common Nighthawk  accSp
Common Poorwill  rS,accW +

Olive-sided Flycatcher  rM
Western Wood-Pewee  uM,rS *
Eastern Wood-Pewee  accS
Willow Flycatcher  uF,rSp,hS (*)
Least Flycatcher  accF
Hammond’s Flycatcher  rM
Dusky Flycatcher  rSp,accF
Gray Flycatcher  rSp
Pacific-slope Flycatcher  fcM
Black Phoebe  fcW,uS *
Eastern Phoebe  accSp
Say’s Phoebe  uW,rS *
Vermillion Flycatcher  accW
Ash-throated Flycatcher  fcS *
Tropical Kingbird  accF
Cassin’s Kingbird  casS *
Western Kingbird  cS *

Northern Shrike  accW
Loggerhead Shrike  uR *

Mountain Chickadee  accW
Chestnut-backed Chickadee  accF
Oak Titmouse  cR *
Bushtit  cR *
Red-breasted Nuthatch  rW,accS *
White-breasted Nuthatch  uR *
Brown Creeper  rW

Rock Wren  cR *
Canyon Wren  rR *
Bewick’s Wren  cR *
House Wren  uW,cS *
Winter Wren  rW
Marsh Wren  cR *
American Dipper  accW
Dusky Warbler accF
Golden-crowned Kinglet  uW
Ruby-crowned Kinglet  cW
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  uSp,rF,casWS +
Western Bluebird  cW,fcS *
Mountain Bluebird  uW
Townsend’s Solitaire  accW
Swainson’s Thrush  uSp,casF
Hermit Thrush  fcW
American Robin  cW,fcS *
Varied Thrush  uW
Wrentit  fcR *

Gray Catbird  accW
Northern Mockingbird  cR *
Sage Thrasher  accWSp
Brown Thrasher  accW
Bendire’s Thrasher  accW
California Thrasher  fcR *

American Pipit  cW
Bohemian Waxwing  accW
Cedar Waxwing  cW
Phainopepla  uR *
(European Starling)  cR *

Green-tailed Towhee  accSpF
Spotted Towhee  cR *
California Towhee  cR *
Rufous-crowned Sparrow  uR *
Chipping Sparrow  rM,rW
Clay-colored Sparrow  accFW
Brewer’s Sparrow  accSp
Black-chinned Sparrow  accSp
Vesper Sparrow  rW
Lark Sparrow  cW,fcS *
Black-throated Sparrow  accF
Sage Sparrow  rR +
Lark Bunting  accW
Savannah Sparrow  cW
Grasshopper Sparrow  casS +
Fox Sparrow  cW
Song Sparrow  cR *
Lincoln’s Sparrow  fcW
Swamp Sparrow  rW
White-throated Sparrow  rW
Golden-crowned Sparrow  cW
White-crowned Sparrow  cW
Harris’s Sparrow  casW
Dark-eyed Junco  cW,accS +

American Bittern  uR *

Least Bittern  hS (*)

Great Blue Heron  cR *

Great Egret  cR *

Snowy Egret  uW,rS

Cattle Egret  rW,casS

Green Heron  uR *

Black-crowned Night Heron  uR *

White-faced Ibis  casW,uM,rS


Turkey Vulture  fcW,uS *

California Condor  hW

 (Ring-necked Pheasant)  cR *
(Wild Turkey)  rR *
California Quail  cR *

Black Rail  rS,accW +
Virginia Rail  fcW,uS *
Sora  fcW,uS *
Common Moorhen  fcR *
American Coot  cW,uS *
Sandhill Crane  cW

Black-bellied Plover  fcW,casS
American Golden-Plover rF,casSp
Pacific Golden-Plover  rM,rW
Snowy Plover  rM
Semipalmated Plover  uM,accS
Killdeer  cR *
Mountain Plover  accW

Black-necked Stilt  cW,fcS *
American Avocet  uW,fcS *

Parasitic Jaeger  accF
Laughing Gull  accS
Franklin’s Gull  rF,casWSp
Little Gull  accWSp
Black-headed Gull  accWSp
Bonaparte’s Gull  cW,casS
Heermann’s Gull  accF
Mew Gull  uW,accS
Ring-billed Gull  cW,rS
California Gull  cW,uS
Herring Gull  fcW
Thayer’s Gull  rW
Western Gull  casW,accF
Glaucous-winged Gull  casW
Glaucous Gull  casW
Black-legged Kittiwake  accW
Sabine’s Gull  casF
Caspian Tern  fcM,rS,accW
Common Tern  casF
Arctic Tern  accSpF
Forster’s Tern  fcW,uS *
Least Tern  casSp
Black Tern  rM,hS (*)

Black Swift  accSpF
Chimney Swift accF
Vaux’s Swift  rM
White-throated Swift  rW,uS *

Black-chinned Hummingbird  fcS *
Anna’s Hummingbird  cR *
Costa’s Hummingbird  rSp,casS,accW +
Calliope Hummingbird  uSp,casF
Broad-tailed Hummingbird  accSp
Rufous Hummingbird  cM
Allen’s Hummingbird  casM

Belted Kingfisher  fcW,uS *

Lewis’ Woodpecker  uW,rS *
Acorn Woodpecker  cR *
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  accW
Red-naped Sapsucker  casW
Red-breasted Sapsucker  uW
Nuttall’s Woodpecker  cR *
Downy Woodpecker  fcR *
Hairy Woodpecker  rR +
Northern Flicker  cW,fcS *

Bell’s Vireo  hS (*)
Blue-headed Vireo  accF
Cassin’s Vireo  uM,casW
Plumbeous Vireo  accWSp
Hutton’s Vireo  uW,rM,casS *
Warbling Vireo  cM,accS *

Steller’s Jay  rR +
Western Scrub-jay  cR *
Yellow-billed Magpie  cR *
American Crow  cR *
Common Raven  fcR *

Horned Lark  cR *

Purple Martin  accSp,hS (*)
Tree Swallow  cS,uW *
Violet-green Swallow  uM,rS *
Northern Rough-winged Swallow  fcS,accW *
Bank Swallow   uF,rSp
Cliff Swallow  cS *
Barn Swallow  cS *

Orange-crowned Warbler  cM,uW +
Nashville Warbler  uM
Virginia’s Warbler  accFW
Northern Parula  accSpF
Yellow Warbler  cM,hS,accW (*)
Chestnut-sided Warbler  accF
Magnolia Warbler  accSp
Black-throated Blue Warbler accF
Yellow-rumped Warbler  cW
Black-throated Gray  Warbler  uM,rW
Townsend’s Warbler  uM,rW
Hermit Warbler  rM
Prairie Warbler  accF
Palm Warbler accFW
Blackpoll Warbler  accF
Black-and-white Warbler  casW
American Redstart  casF
Northern Waterthrush  accF
MacGillivray’s Warbler  uM
Common Yellowthroat  fcR *
Wilson’s Warbler  cM
Hooded Warbler  accSp
Yellow-breasted Chat  rS *

Summer Tanager  accSpF
Western Tanager  cM,accW
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  accF
Black-headed Grosbeak  cS *
Blue Grosbeak  fcS,accW *
Lazuli Bunting  uM,rS *

Bobolink  accF
Red-winged Blackbird  cR *
Tri-colored Blackbird  uR *
Western Meadowlark  cR *
Yellow-headed Blackbird  uW,casS *
Rusty Blackbird  accFW
Brewer’s Blackbird  cR *
Great-tailed Grackle  rR +
Brown-headed Cowbird  cS,fcW *
Orchard Oriole  accF
Hooded Oriole  uS,accW *
Bullock’s Oriole  cS,accW *
Baltimore Oriole  accF

Purple Finch  uW
Cassin’s Finch  casW
House Finch  cR *
Red Crossbill   accWSp
Pine Siskin  uW
Lesser Goldfinch  cR *
Lawrence’s Goldfinch  uSp,rS,casF *
American Goldfinch  cR *
Evening Grosbeak  casW

 (House Sparrow)  cR *


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